I came across this bolg,
Not Without Salt, and saw an enticing photo of a homemade Twix Bar & thought this would be the perfect valentine's treat for my kids to share at school. While I'm an avid baker, I've always had this fear of candy making- so face that fear is what I did and the candy making began!
I followed the recipe {almost} exactly and ran into a challenge with the caramel.
The recipe says a key moment is when the sugar syrup turns a "golden brown". Well, I used organic sugar cane and by nature the color started as a "golden brown". Nervous, I watched intently until I got to 300°F. In the end, the caramel wasn't as "solid" as I think it should have been & the taste wasn't as smooth (it tasted a little over-done, but the texture was a little underdone?? I need more practice on this one).
The rice in the recipe was awesome. It added a nice crunch, definitely don't omit it.
The recipe calls for bittersweet chocolate, I used 1/2 milk chocolate, but it still tasted like dark chocolate. I think the next time I'll go all in on the milk chocolate.
In the end my taste-testers gave it a 2-thumbs up!